What sorts of things do you offer in your shop?
Handmade hair accessories!
How did you first start selling on etsy? How long have you been selling? Do you sell anywhere else?
My signature "style" ALWAYS includes something big and funky in my hair, and I was always spending so much on hair accessories so one day I opted to start making them myself. Friends started asking me about buying them and once it dawned on me that I could start making a little cash from my craft. I've been selling regularly for about 2 months. The only places besides Etsy that I sell are in my apartment (always to friends who want to swing by and snag a few goodies), and I just did my first craft show on April 17th. It was such a huge success that I plan on attending many more!

Tell us a little about your typical creative process and how you go about making your work. What kinds of steps do you usually go through?
Inspiration is key for me. The people in my life are such unique individuals and they are what inspire me. I grab materials every chance I get and channel that inspiration into creating my pieces.
What are your favorite materials to work with?
Feathers (cruelty-free, of course), appliqués, and anything with skulls, texture, or sparkle! I've also been known to use random things that I find around my apartment to upcycle (old scrubs from a receptionist job I had, leftover material from chair cushions, etc.)

Are there other creative projects you are involved in outside of your work in your etsy shop?
I'm a hardcore queer activist, and I find that my creativity is crucial to coming up with new ways to spread awareness, organize protests, and inspire others to take an active stance in queer politics.
Besides art/ crafty stuff, what else do you like doing in your free time?
Activism, singing, playing guitar, getting tattoos, hanging out with my cats, and learning.

Does your queer identity come into play in your work?
Absolutely, particularly from an activist perspective. Almost all of my pieces are inspired by lovely queers in my life, and a percentage of each sale that I make goes to the Matthew Shepard Foundation.
What are your hopes for the Queer Etsy Street Team? What brought you to join?
I just hope that the QEST can continue to be such a wonderful, supportive community. That's what brought me to it in the first place! :)