What sorts of things do you offer in your shop? Vintage notions of all kinds.
For all fabulous vixens, housewives/husbands, collectors, and just about everyone.
I carry an array of collectible vintage pottery and ceramics (Bennington, Halls, Rörstrand, Luray), milk glass, depression glass, vintage clothing from the 40's, the 50's, the 60's, the 80's, Vintage high heels, Collectible books, handmade silk scarves, handmade upcycled ipod/cell phone covers, Vintage jewelry, Plus size vintage, Vintage sizes for all body types (and genders!), restraunt-ware, Vintage menswear, Vintage ties, Vintage pottery planters, Vintage figurines, Ceramics, Vintage Barware, Designer Vintage, Vintage leather purses, Queer collectibles, and much more!
I try to find vintage items of all sizes, for all genders, for all ages.
How did you first start selling on Etsy? How long have you been selling? Do you sell anywhere else? I really started selling on Etsy because I was such an avid buyer and thriftier! It became a summer project that got bigger and bigger…..
I have been selling since June of 2011

40's Red Dress. Sexy Secretary Dress.
What are your favorite materials to work with? I love unique vintage dresses from all eras. I am especially partial to the 40s, 50s, and 60s.
I also have a total affinity for depression glass and milk glass, I just can’t get enough of it!
What got you interested in your craft? I’ve always been interested in fashion and thrifting. I also love to curate and take photo shoots, but I never had a desire to be in the mainstream fashion world. The etsy world fits me just fine. I grew up going to thrift stores for hours with my mom, so it’s in my blood!
Also, I have a few new projects up my sleeve. I am working of learning to paint on ceramics….and these ceramics aren’t gonna be ones to give to Grandma (unless your Grandma is Betty White or Helen Mirren). I want them to be saucy and shocking and fun. So keep a look out!

Vintage Men's Ties.
Are there other creative projects you are involved in outside of your work in your Etsy shop? I was a DJ for 3 years in Montreal, where I threw queer dance parties and worked as a social justice organizer in the queer, diy, and trans communities there. I DJ around Brooklyn once in a blue moon, but I’m mostly hibernating these days and working on a Masters.
Besides art/crafty stuff, what else do you like doing in your free time? I just started a blog! I am finding it super fun. It is about my etsy shop, but also music, queer politics, femme identity, fun stuff and more. I used to write zines when I was a wee-little punker, and I am finding that blogging feels very similar.

60s Earrings Leather Roses. Vintage Earrings.
Does your queer identity come into play in your work? ALWAYS! Language is very important to me, you can see this in my shop categories. Rather than men and women, I have “Ladies, Grrrls, Femmes”, and “Bois, Dudes, Men” I try to use both male and butch and gender queer models for menswear. I try to use queer femmes for women's wear. Or bois for women's wear and visa versa! I like to try to get people of all shapes and sizes, all colors, all genders. I’m not there yet, but I’d like to have a very diverse presenting shop, rather than the traditional waif-ey models that you still see in many Etsy shops. I wanna queer up Etsy with my shop and my treasuries, and supporting other queer sellers!

Photo by Xavier T., Montreal 2010
Is there any advice you have for our readers? Realness Time:
Things don’t get better (mostly), you get Stronger.
“And if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?
Can I get a AMEN?” –Ru Paul