Butterfly Charm Bracelet Beaded in Autumn Colors of Cream, Orange and Bronze
by Gilliauna

Leaf Headband Woodland Halo in Coffee
by DollfaceDeVille

Agate Necklace
by GalleriaDiGiani

Acrylic Painting on Canvas Quote 12 x 12 "Embrace change"
by srosegraphics

Autumn Leaves in an Arrow Shaped Lace Agate Sterling Silver Cuff
by bowersstudio

Copper leaf necklace, knitted wire
by bunsandballs

Autumn Leaves Colored Hemp Bracelet with Colored Beads
by MikesHempBracelets

Autumn Leaves, Fall Bunnies, 5x7 Print of Original Watercolor
by BunnyKissd
And here's a treasury including the lovelies above, and some other member listings that fit the theme!