What sorts of things do you offer in your shop? Right now I am offering jewelry, but I plan on expanding to altered art items as well. My main focus at the moment is Steampunk jewelry.
For those people not familiar, can you tell us a little more about "Steampunk"? Sure. Steampunk is very much about steam power, turn of the century technology, victorian style, psuedo-victorian style, and turning modern objects into objects consistent with the victorian era. In creating jewelry, I use vintage watch movements, ephemera, brass, and copper.
How did you first start selling on Etsy? How long have you been selling? Do you sell anywhere else? I started selling in May. I learned about it online and thought that it would be fun to try! Before that, I primarily made jewelry for friends and family as gifts. I am not currently selling anywhere else, but plan to start selling at craft fairs.
How did you get started making jewelry? I got started making jewelry when I was working at a domestic violence shelter as a graveyard client advocate. I met a woman (a shelter resident) who was always up late making jewelry. She would come in and talk to me at night, and she eventually taught me the basics of wire wrapping. From then on I taught myself more and more. I started making more things for family, and family friends started asking for things as well. I did all of the jewelry for a co-workers wedding. At that point, I heard about Etsy and decided to get started.
Where do your ideas/ inspiration come from?
They come from all around me. I think a lot of my inspiration comes from the industrial revolution, science, and literature.
Tell us a little about your typical creative process and how you go about making your work. What kinds of steps do you usually go through?
I don't have a very specific creative process; I tend to get inspired by a particular material or item and begin from there.
What are your favorite materials to work with?I love working with old watch parts, vintage ephemera, brass, copper, silver, gemstones, and pearls.
Are there other creative projects you are involved in outside of your work in your Etsy shop? I am trying to learn needle felting in my spare time...so far I haven't stabbed myself but I did manage to lose the tip of a needle somewhere in my couch.
Besides art/ crafty stuff, what else do you like doing in your free time? I love spending time with my husband, dog, and reading. I also work full time at a nonprofit organization in addition to running my Etsy shop, so I don't have a whole lot of free time.
How do you make space and time for your creative work amid everything else you've got going on? I am able to make time for my creative work by using it as an outlet and opportunity for relaxation. My job can be emotionally trying at times, so my creativity allows me to express that when needed and also gives me a way to get away from everything for a few hours.
Does your queer identity come into play in your work? It does to an extent. Since it is so much a part of me I think it has to, although that may not be visible. I am interested in opening a second shop dedicated to feminist and pride items when I have some more time.
What are your hopes for the Queer Etsy Street Team? What brought you to join? When I first heard about teams on Etsy I immediately looked for a GLBT team :-D I am hoping to just enjoy the company of other crafty members and become more involved!
...And we're back with the team interviews... sarahderagon interviewed by fauxsure
What sorts of things do you offer in your shop? I offer all kinds of fabulous hair accessories from small flower clips to headbands with brightly colored feathers and of course glitter! I actually just started playing around with creating veils too!
How did you first start selling on etsy? How long have you been selling? Do you sell anywhere else? I have been selling on etsy for less than a month. I set up my shop because my best friend (emintaos) has had an etsy shop for awhile and was always raving about it. She and I talk a lot about strategy, marketing, photography and building community - so having the shop actually keeps us in constant communication, which is nice because she's a busy stay at home mom. Originally, I came to etsy as a shopper because I'd rather buy handmade and I adore their daily emails - so many wonderful treasures to choose from. As far as selling anywhere else, I recently tabled the craft show at Homo-A-Go-Go and will be doing another show in San Francisco in September. I was also approached to present at the ArtDyke monthly salon in Berkeley in September where I'll talk about how I do what I do - I'm excited.
Where do your ideas/ inspiration come from? I think that my love of old movies and glamor are my inspiration. Luckily in the queer community I see inspiration around me everyday in the community - I love femmes because you know what, they know how to command attention when walking into a room and I try to put that into each one of my designs. It is actually harder for me to design smaller things vs. the big bright over the top pieces! Editing is a constant struggle in my design process.
Tell us a little about your typical creative process and how you go about making your work. What kinds of steps do you usually go through? My work process is sporadic - I have spurts of creativity when I can churn out 6 pieces and then there are days when I feel totally bleh about the glue gun and spend my time flipping through magazines or doing research on the internet. Lately, I have been designing in 3's - so I'll go get 3 big flowers or 3 colorful feathers or 3 little sparkly accent pieces and then design with those as the main focus. Some of my pieces have many many steps - take for example my design called "Jingle Bell Rock" http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=29962700 - I have to go find the ugly Christmas sweater, cut it up, paint the edged with Fray Stop, let it dry for 24 hours, adhere it to some felt, let that dry for 24 hours, clean up the edges, secure it to a headband, photograph it on a model, shoot it in a lightbox, edit the photos, come up with the blurb, price it and THEN it goes up on etsy. Phew, that is kind of a lot of work, but you know what - I love it!
What are your favorite materials to work with? Feathers, glitter, flowers, tulle, buttons (with the backs cut off) and felt.
Are there other creative projects you are involved in outside of your work in your etsy shop? Sometimes I feel like my entire life is a creative project!! I'm surfing the fun-employment wave, so yes, I have lots of different things going on right now.
Besides art/ crafty stuff, what else do you like doing in your free time? I like spending time with my wonderful partner, walking my pitbull mix named Pork Chop, baking, yoga, hanging out with my friends and I am trying to do more professional photography.
Does your queer identity come into play in your work? My queer identity is integral to my designs. I don't think that my designs resonate with the hetero community as much because I keep hearing women say, "Oh, I like your stuff, but I'd never wear it" or "I don't want to attract that much attention to myself" and as a femme - I don't even think about that stuff. I am unapologetic in my fabulousness and I think that my designs help point out the fact that yes, I'm a big queer and I have no problem wearing a big feather head piece out to brunch with my friends. My hope is that I can set an example for the straight girls - do it - be out there - attract attention - wear something gorgeous in your hair - you deserve it!
What are your hopes for the Queer Etsy Street Team? What brought you to join? I adore that there is a Queer Etsy Street Team because when I was at Homo-A-Go-Go I was talking to other queer crafters on etsy and we all talked about how, for us, etsy was lacking a sense of community. I think that this team is important because of the visibility it provides us as artists/designers, but also lets other queers find us, so that they can spend their gay dollars in our shops. I know that when I buy something I'd much rather go support a queer business, so here we are, now support us. There is so much creativity in the queer community and it doesn't surprise me that so many of us perform, make crafts, sing, etc... I think having a hub where we can connect across the country is vital to our survival. My hopes for the Queer Etsy Street Team is that our blog continues to thrive, that we get to know one another during chats and one day that the daily email features all things Queer - cause you know we're amazing!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Team member sarahderagon has been mentioned in tikikiki's adorable blog! Go there now and see all manner of fantastic queer team crafts as well as lot's of yummy other stuff germane to all that is gloriously gay!
I'm glad to see that we're growing to the point that we now need regional chats. Splitting the chats into East and West coast groups is a great idea! If eventually we need more, we can further subdivide them.
Meanwhile, here's how we'll break it down for the time being:
East coast chat @ 8pm-9pm EST on Tuesdays West Coast Chat @ 8pm-9pm PST on Tuesdays
I will helm the West Coast chat and The Om Intention will helm the East coast chat.
Important: You do NOT have to live in a specific area to participate in either chat! Go to whichever one works best for you! We're just trying to create a bigger window of opportunity so more people can jump in the fray. Queer team loves cross pollination!
That said, we will be discussing the possibilities for regional events as well as plans for the entire team. Yay!
Just remember the acronym "C U Next Tuesday" and come gab with us!
The Queer Team is back from herding cats and Summer fun. We've just added a bunch of new queer etsy shops to our shop links and new blogs as well, so please peruse!