Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Team Chat Times!

I'm glad to see that we're growing to the point that we now need regional chats.
Splitting the chats into East and West coast groups is a great idea! If
eventually we need more, we can further subdivide them.

Meanwhile, here's how we'll break it down for the time being:

East coast chat @ 8pm-9pm EST on Tuesdays
West Coast Chat @ 8pm-9pm PST on Tuesdays

I will helm the West Coast chat and The Om Intention will helm the East coast

Important: You do NOT have to live in a specific area to participate in either
chat! Go to whichever one works best for you! We're just trying to create a
bigger window of opportunity so more people can jump in the fray. Queer team
loves cross pollination!

That said, we will be discussing the possibilities for regional events as well
as plans for the entire team. Yay!

Just remember the acronym "C U Next Tuesday" and come gab with us!

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