The theme of the challenge was RAINBOW, wrapping up our headlong jump into the "Challenge" waters.
And our first entry reflects the watery side of the rainbow:

Six Stone Bangle in Sterling Silver - Peridot, Amethyst, Blue Onyx
by BowersStudio
Next we have a shiny crystal bracelet displaying all the colors of our pride:

Rainbow Bright
by CrystalGypsy
Then see your pride everywhere with these rainbow jeweled glasses:

Don't Hide your Pride
by TheCutestDamnBowShop
Rainbow jade sets off the honey jade and bronze in this lovely necklace:

Gemstone Necklace in Jade and Bronze. Seasons Change Meditation Beads.
by Gilliauna
The juicy rainbow colors of this original watercolor reflect the spirit within us all:

The Colored Man
by GreenManDesigns
Then it's time to let your pride show with this fabulous watch:

Rainbow watch
by ChelsDesigns
Then stick a rainbow swirl anywhere with these swirled hemp magnets:

Two Rainbow Hemp Magnet Set
by MikesHempBracelets
And finally my own late entry:

Bunny on a Rainbow Dream Bookmark
by BunnyKissd